Certificate For Non Re-marriage
I hereby declare that I have not been re-married and I undertake to report such an event promptly to the Pension Disbursing Authority / Bank.
Place: _________ Signature: _________
Date: _________ Name of the Pensioner: _________
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above declaration is correct.
Place: _________ Signature of a responsible
Date: _________ Officer or a well – known Person
Name: _________
Designation: _______
Incoming Search Terms:
- Non Re-Marriage certificate form for pensioner
- Non Re-Marriage certificate form for pensioners
- certificate form for Non Re-Marriage
- certificate for Non Re-Marriage
- Non Re-Marriage certificate india
- certificate for pension for Non Re-Marriage
- Non Re-Marriage pensioner certificate form
- Non Re-Marriage certificate format
- Non Re-Marriage certificate form india